IdeaConnection Innovation

Posts in Open Innovation

Open Innovation News

Open Innovation News

Jan-12-18 By IdeaConnection
It has been an exciting few days for open innovation with global companies launching big new open innovation initiatives. Among them are GE Appliances, Hyundai and Nissan.

Here is a quick peek at some of the stories that have been making the headlines.
Open Innovation for the Greater Good

Open Innovation for the Greater Good

Jan-05-18 By IdeaConnection
In addition to helping businesses solve tough challenges, innovate and bring new products and services to market open innovation is also used to tackle a range of social and conservation issues across the globe.

From time to time we look at this in the open innovation success stories section of our website. Here's a snapshot of a few stories we've covered that highlight the ingenuity and wisdom of the crowd.
Sourcing Novel Timber Building Concepts with Open Innovation

Sourcing Novel Timber Building Concepts with Open Innovation

Dec-29-17 By IdeaConnection
To source innovative timber building designs Metsa Wood (part of the paper group Metsäliitto) invited architects, engineers and innovators to take part in the world's first Open Source Wood Hackathon, which took place recently in Nantes, France.

Participants formed three multidisciplinary teams to generate novel wood designs using a type of laminated veneer lumber.
New Open Innovation Platform for European Farmers

New Open Innovation Platform for European Farmers

Dec-22-17 By IdeaConnection
Farmers in Europe are set to receive open innovation help for implementing climate-smart agriculture policies and practices.

This week saw the launch of Agrisource, Europe's first open innovation platform for climate-smart agriculture (CSA).
Towards Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools for Suicide Prevention

Towards Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools for Suicide Prevention

Dec-17-17 By Wendy
Artificial intelligence is one of the hottest new technologies and research into its use is intensifying across multiple industries, including healthcare where it may be able to help prevent suicide.

Every year close to 800,000 people commit suicide which is one person every 40 seconds, according to the World Health Organization. It is a global problem and has become the second leading cause of death among those aged 15-29 years old. And for every suicide, there could be at least 100 to 200 attempts.
Open Innovation for Veterans’ Health

Open Innovation for Veterans’ Health

Dec-15-17 By IdeaConnection
Healthcare for seniors could soon be given a huge innovation boost thanks to the VABeachBio Innovation Challenge.

This open innovation contest aims to result in the launch of 20 start-up companies focused on creating therapeutics, vaccines and devices for veteran-related illnesses, such as cancer and cardiovascular and neurological disorders.
Open Innovation for Clean Water

Open Innovation for Clean Water

Dec-08-17 By IdeaConnection
One of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals is a call to action to provide universal access to clean water and sanitation by 2030.  Achieving it will take the efforts and ingenuity of many different players.

Two of those hoping to make a difference are global biotechnology giant Novozymes and Grundfos, a world leader in advanced pump technologies.  They have formed an open innovation collaboration to tackle this pressing issue.
New Tech Scouting Challenge from IdeaConnection

New Tech Scouting Challenge from IdeaConnection

Nov-24-17 By IdeaConnection
At IdeaConnection we've got a great technology scouting challenge for you that could net you a cool $2,500 referral fee for each accepted lead that the client decides to follow up on.

Can you help one of our clients source the following?
Open Innovation for a Good Night’s Sleep

Open Innovation for a Good Night’s Sleep

Nov-17-17 By IdeaConnection
Things don't only go bump in the night they also go whizz, woof, and clunk as there are many ways nighttime slumber can be disturbed - rowing neighbours, pets, partying kids, a snoring partner, machinery and so on. Headphones and earbuds can drown out some intrusive noises but there may be another way and that's with sound.

Bose Corporation is developing sleepbuds that produce soothing sounds to help people drift off, and it's asking the crowd to contribute.
Participate in Public Open Innovation Challenges

Participate in Public Open Innovation Challenges

Nov-10-17 By IdeaConnection
A fantastic way for organizations to give their innovation endeavours a rocket-sized boost and for innovators to get their teeth stuck into fascinating challenges is with IdeaConnection's public challenges platform. Through this, our problem solvers and crowdsourced participants work to develop world-beating solutions.

One of our current public open innovation challenges is being hosted on behalf of the University of Iowa and it's asking solvers to develop an analytical model that will help identify the best-performing stocks over time.

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